
Your Guide to Finding the Best Jobs Circulars


Finding a job can be a challenging and time-consuming process. With so many job circulars available online, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Whether you’re a recent graduate looking for your first job or an experienced professional looking for a change, this guide is for you. In this post, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks to help you navigate the job circular landscape and find the best job opportunities for your skills and experience. We’ll cover everything from where to find job circulars to how to tailor your resume and cover letter to fit the job description. So, let’s dive in and get you on your way to finding your dream job.


Job Circular
Job Circular

1. Introduction: The importance of finding the right job circulars


Finding the right job is crucial for personal and professional growth. It can significantly impact your career trajectory, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. But in today’s competitive job market, the task of finding the best job circulars can be overwhelming. This is where the importance of finding the right job circulars comes into play.

Job circulars serve as the gateway to exploring new opportunities and connecting with potential employers. They provide valuable information about job vacancies, required qualifications, job descriptions, and application procedures. By carefully reviewing and analyzing job circulars, you can identify the positions that align with your skills, experience, and career goals.

Moreover, job circulars offer a glimpse into the company culture, values, and work environment. This insight allows you to assess if a particular organization is the right fit for you. It’s not just about finding any job; it’s about finding the right job that aligns with your aspirations and values.

Finding the best job circulars also enables you to stay updated with the latest job openings in your desired field. It helps you stay ahead of the competition and increases your chances of finding a job that matches your expertise and interests.

In this guide, we will explore effective strategies and resources to help you find the best job circulars. Whether you are a fresh graduate, a seasoned professional looking for a career change, or someone seeking new opportunities, this guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate the job market successfully.

Remember, finding the right job circulars is the first step towards securing your dream job. It sets the foundation for a fulfilling and successful career journey. So let’s dive in and discover how to uncover the best job circulars that will open doors to exciting opportunities.


2. Understanding the job circular landscape: Different types and sources


When it comes to finding the best job opportunities, it’s crucial to understand the job circular landscape. Job circulars are an essential resource for job seekers, providing valuable information about available positions, qualifications, and application processes. By familiarizing yourself with the different types and sources of job circulars, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect job.

1. Online Job Boards: One of the most common sources of job circulars is online job boards. These platforms host a wide range of job postings from various industries, making it easier for job seekers to find relevant opportunities. Popular job boards include LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and CareerBuilder. These platforms usually allow you to filter jobs based on location, industry, experience level, and other criteria, narrowing down your search to match your preferences.

2. Company Websites: Many companies post job circulars directly on their websites. If you have a specific company in mind that you’d like to work for, regularly checking their careers or job openings page is a great way to stay updated on new opportunities. Additionally, some companies may have a separate section where you can submit your resume for future job openings, even if there aren’t any immediate vacancies.

3. Government Job Portals: Government organizations often have dedicated job portals where they publish job circulars for various positions. These portals provide a centralized platform for job seekers to explore government job opportunities. Examples include USAJOBS (for U.S. federal government jobs), Civil Service Commission websites, and state or local government job portals.

4. Professional Networks: Networking within your industry or professional community can also lead to valuable job circulars. Joining industry-related associations, attending conferences, and engaging in online professional communities can expose you to job opportunities that may not be widely advertised. Building connections and maintaining relationships with professionals in your field can open doors to hidden job circulars.

5. Recruitment Agencies: Recruitment agencies act as intermediaries between job seekers and employers. They often have access to exclusive job circulars that are not publicly available. Registering with reputable recruitment agencies that specialize in your field can help you navigate the job market more effectively and increase your chances of landing a suitable position.

By utilizing a combination of these different sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the job circular landscape and access a wider range of job opportunities. Stay proactive, regularly check these sources, and tailor your applications to stand out in a competitive job market.


3. Identifying your career goals and aspirations


Before you dive into the world of job circulars, it’s crucial to take a step back and identify your career goals and aspirations. Understanding what you want to achieve in your professional life will not only help you narrow down your job search but also ensure that you find the best opportunities that align with your passions and ambitions.

Start by reflecting on your skills, strengths, and interests. What are you truly passionate about? What are your key areas of expertise? Consider your long-term career goals and what you hope to achieve in the coming years. This self-reflection will provide you with a clear direction and help you prioritize your job search.

Next, consider the industry or field you want to work in. Are you interested in technology, healthcare, finance, or something entirely different? Research different industries to understand the job market, growth opportunities, and potential challenges. Make a list of the industries that align with your interests and goals.

Once you have a general idea of your career goals and the industries you want to explore, it’s time to dig deeper. Research job roles and positions within your chosen industries to gain a better understanding of the skills and qualifications required. Look for job descriptions and requirements that resonate with you and match your aspirations.

Additionally, consider the work culture and environment that suits you best. Do you thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environment, or do you prefer a more structured corporate setting? Understanding your preferred work environment will help you filter job circulars that align with your preferences.

By identifying your career goals, aspirations, and preferred industry, you’ll be able to approach the job search process with clarity and focus. This will ultimately increase your chances of finding the best job circulars that align with your aspirations and set you on the path to a fulfilling and successful career.


4. Conducting targeted job searches


When it comes to finding the best job circulars, conducting targeted job searches can make all the difference. Instead of aimlessly scrolling through generic job boards or relying solely on word-of-mouth referrals, taking a more strategic approach can help you uncover hidden opportunities and increase your chances of finding the perfect job.

Start by identifying your specific career goals and the industries or sectors you are interested in. This will allow you to narrow down your search and focus on job circulars that align with your skills, qualifications, and passion. For example, if you’re interested in marketing roles, you can target job boards or websites that specialize in advertising, digital marketing, or public relations.

Next, utilize advanced search filters offered by job search engines or websites. These filters allow you to refine your search based on factors such as location, salary range, job type (full-time, part-time, freelance), and experience level. By specifying your preferences, you can quickly eliminate irrelevant job circulars and save valuable time in your job search.

In addition to online job boards, consider exploring niche platforms or professional networking sites that cater to specific industries or job functions. These platforms often have a more targeted audience, increasing your chances of finding job circulars that are tailored to your expertise. For example, if you’re a software developer, websites like GitHub and Stack Overflow can provide job opportunities specifically in the tech industry.

Networking is also a powerful tool in conducting targeted job searches. Attend industry events, join professional associations or groups, and connect with professionals in your desired field. By establishing meaningful connections, you may gain access to job circulars that are not publicly advertised, giving you a competitive edge in your job search.

Lastly, don’t forget to set up job alerts or notifications on job search platforms. This allows you to receive updates on new job circulars that match your criteria, ensuring that you stay informed about relevant opportunities as soon as they become available.

By conducting targeted job searches, you can streamline your job hunting process and increase your chances of finding the best job circulars that align with your career aspirations. Remember to stay focused, utilize advanced search filters, explore niche platforms, network strategically, and set up job alerts to stay ahead of the competition.


5. Utilizing online job portals and websites effectively


In today’s digital age, online job portals and websites have become an invaluable resource for job seekers. With just a few clicks, you can gain access to a wide range of job opportunities in various industries and sectors. However, it’s important to utilize these platforms effectively to maximize your chances of finding the best job circulars.

Firstly, make sure to create a comprehensive and compelling profile on these job portals. Highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications in a way that stands out to potential employers. Upload an updated resume and include relevant keywords to increase your visibility in search results.

Next, take advantage of the search filters provided by these platforms. Narrow down your search by specifying your preferred location, industry, job type, and other relevant criteria. This will help you find job circulars that align with your preferences and qualifications, saving you time and effort.

Furthermore, regularly check these portals for new job postings. Set up email alerts or notifications to stay updated on the latest opportunities that match your profile. Many job portals also offer the option to save job searches, allowing you to revisit them later without having to repeat the same search criteria.

Another effective strategy is to actively engage with these platforms. Participate in forums, discussions, and online communities related to your industry. Networking with professionals in your field can provide valuable insights, job leads, and referrals.

Lastly, don’t limit yourself to just one or two job portals. Explore multiple platforms to increase your chances of finding the best job circulars. Different websites may have unique job postings or cater to specific industries, so casting a wider net will expose you to a broader range of opportunities.

By utilizing online job portals and websites effectively, you can streamline your job search process and increase your chances of finding the best job circulars that align with your career goals and aspirations. Stay proactive, keep your profiles updated, and stay persistent in your search. The perfect job opportunity could be just a few clicks away!


6. Networking and leveraging personal connections


Networking and leveraging personal connections can be a powerful tool in finding the best job circulars. Sometimes, the best opportunities are not advertised publicly and can only be accessed through personal connections or word-of-mouth referrals.
Building a strong professional network is crucial in today’s job market. Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars where you can meet professionals in your field. Engage in meaningful conversations, exchange contact information, and follow up with those connections afterward.
Additionally, make use of online networking platforms such as LinkedIn. Connect with colleagues, classmates, and professionals you have worked with in the past. Join industry-specific groups and participate in discussions to expand your network further.
When searching for job circulars, don’t hesitate to reach out to your network for assistance. Inform them about your job preferences, skills, and career goals. They may be aware of job opportunities that align with your aspirations or can refer you to someone who can help.
Remember, networking is a two-way street. Be willing to help others in your network as well. Offer your expertise, provide recommendations, and share job openings you come across. Building mutually beneficial relationships will only strengthen your network and increase your chances of finding the best job circulars.


7. Making the most of professional social media platforms


Professional social media platforms have become powerful tools for job seekers in today’s digital age. Platforms like LinkedIn, for instance, provide a wealth of opportunities to connect with industry professionals, explore job postings, and showcase your skills and experience.

To make the most of these platforms, it’s essential to optimize your profile. Craft a compelling headline that highlights your expertise and career goals. Use a professional profile picture and create a comprehensive summary that showcases your achievements and aspirations.

Networking is a key aspect of professional social media platforms. Connect with colleagues, classmates, and industry leaders to expand your network. Engage in industry-specific groups and discussions to stay updated on the latest trends and job opportunities.

Utilize the job search features offered by these platforms. Customize your job preferences to receive relevant job recommendations and alerts. Follow companies of interest to stay informed about their latest job openings.

Additionally, take advantage of the option to showcase your work or portfolio on these platforms. Upload samples of your projects, publications, or presentations to provide potential employers with a tangible representation of your skills and expertise.

Remember to actively engage with your network by liking, commenting, and sharing relevant content. This helps you stay on top of mind and build meaningful connections within your industry.

Professional social media platforms are not only helpful for job seekers but also for recruiters and employers searching for top talent. By maintaining an active and professional presence on these platforms, you increase your visibility and enhance your chances of finding the best job opportunities.


8. Engaging with industry-specific job boards and forums


When it comes to finding the best job opportunities, engaging with industry-specific job boards and forums can be a game-changer. These platforms are designed to cater to the needs of professionals in specific industries, making them a valuable resource for job seekers looking for targeted and relevant job circulars.

By actively participating in industry-specific job boards and forums, you can tap into a vast network of professionals, gain insights about the latest job openings, and connect with potential employers. These platforms often have dedicated sections where employers post job circulars exclusively for professionals in that industry, giving you a competitive edge in your job search.

One of the key advantages of engaging with industry-specific job boards and forums is the ability to connect with like-minded professionals who share similar career aspirations and interests. By actively participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing your expertise, you can establish yourself as a valuable member of the community and expand your professional network.

Furthermore, these platforms often provide valuable resources and tools to help job seekers navigate the job market more effectively. You may find industry-specific tips, resume writing guides, interview preparation advice, and other valuable resources that can enhance your job search strategy.

When engaging with industry-specific job boards and forums, it’s important to be proactive and consistent. Regularly check for new job postings, participate in discussions, and actively contribute to the community. By doing so, you increase your visibility and chances of coming across exclusive job opportunities that may not be advertised elsewhere.

In conclusion, leveraging industry-specific job boards and forums can significantly enhance your job search efforts. These platforms offer targeted job circulars, networking opportunities, and valuable resources to help you find the best job opportunities in your industry. So, don’t miss out on this valuable resource – start engaging with industry-specific job boards and forums today and take your job search to new heights!


9. Tapping into local resources and community networks


When it comes to finding the best job circulars, tapping into local resources and community networks can be a game-changer. While online job boards and websites are undoubtedly valuable, there is still immense value in connecting with your local community and leveraging the power of word-of-mouth.

One effective way to tap into local resources is by actively participating in community events, job fairs, and networking groups. These platforms provide an excellent opportunity to meet professionals from various industries, establish meaningful connections, and gain insights into potential job openings that are not widely advertised.

Additionally, consider joining local professional associations or industry-specific organizations. These groups often have job boards, mailing lists, or forums where employers share job opportunities exclusively with members. By becoming an active member, you’ll have access to a hidden job market that may not be accessible through traditional online channels.

Another valuable local resource to explore is your local library. Libraries often have bulletin boards or community message boards where employers post job openings. Additionally, librarians can assist you in accessing local newspapers, magazines, or newsletters that may contain job listings specific to your area.

Furthermore, don’t underestimate the power of social connections. Inform your friends, family, and acquaintances that you are actively seeking job opportunities. They may know someone who knows someone working in your desired field or have insider information about potential job openings. Networking within your community can open doors to opportunities that you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

In conclusion, while online job boards are convenient and widely used, tapping into local resources and community networks can provide a unique advantage in finding the best job circulars. By actively engaging in community events, joining professional associations, utilizing local libraries, and leveraging social connections, you can uncover hidden job opportunities and increase your chances of landing your dream job.


10. Staying organized and keeping track of applications


When it comes to searching for the best job opportunities, staying organized and keeping track of your applications is crucial. With so many job circulars and applications to manage, it can be easy to lose track of where you’ve applied, the status of each application, and important deadlines.

One effective way to stay organized is to create a spreadsheet or a dedicated folder on your computer to keep track of all the necessary information. In your spreadsheet, include columns for the company name, position applied for, application status, contact information, and any important notes or follow-up actions.

Another helpful tip is to set reminders for yourself. Use a calendar or task management tool to schedule reminders for important deadlines, interviews, or follow-up emails. This will ensure that you stay on top of each application and don’t miss any crucial steps in the process.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep copies of your application materials, such as your resume and cover letter, in a separate folder. This way, you can easily access and tailor them for future applications or reference them during interviews.

As you submit applications and receive responses, update your spreadsheet accordingly. This will give you a clear overview of your progress and help you identify any patterns or trends in your job search.

By staying organized and keeping track of your applications, you’ll not only be able to manage your job search more efficiently but also demonstrate professionalism and preparedness to potential employers.


11. Tips for crafting a standout resume and cover letter


Crafting a standout resume and cover letter is crucial in today’s competitive job market. These documents are your first opportunity to make a lasting impression on potential employers and showcase your skills and qualifications. Follow these tips to create a resume and cover letter that will set you apart from other applicants:

1. Tailor your resume to the job: Take the time to carefully review the job description and requirements. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments that align with what the employer is seeking. Customize your resume for each application to demonstrate that you are a perfect fit for the position.

2. Use a professional format: Ensure that your resume and cover letter have a clean and professional appearance. Use a clear and easy-to-read font, consistent formatting, and appropriate headings. Avoid excessive formatting or fancy designs that can distract from your content.

3. Showcase your achievements: Instead of simply listing your job duties, focus on showcasing your accomplishments and the impact you made in your previous roles. Quantify your achievements whenever possible by including specific numbers, percentages, or other measurable outcomes.

4. Keep it concise: Employers and recruiters often receive a large volume of applications, so it’s important to keep your resume and cover letter concise and to the point. Aim for a one-page resume unless you have extensive relevant experience. Be selective in choosing the most relevant information to include.

5. Highlight relevant skills: Make sure to highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. Use keywords from the job description in your resume and cover letter to demonstrate that you possess the desired qualifications.

6. Proofread for errors: Before submitting your resume and cover letter, thoroughly proofread them for any spelling or grammatical errors. Typos and mistakes can create a negative impression and indicate a lack of attention to detail. Consider having a trusted friend or family member review your documents as well.

Remember, your resume and cover letter are your marketing tools. They should effectively communicate your qualifications, experience, and passion for the position. By following these tips, you can craft a standout resume and cover letter that will impress employers and increase your chances of landing your dream job.


12. Navigating the interview process successfully


Navigating the interview process successfully is crucial in securing the job opportunity you desire. It’s the final hurdle that can make or break your chances, so it’s important to be well-prepared and confident.
First and foremost, research the company thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with their mission, values, products or services, and recent news or developments. This will not only demonstrate your interest in the company but also provide you with valuable insights to tailor your answers during the interview.
Next, practice answering common interview questions. Prepare concise yet impactful responses that highlight your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. It’s also beneficial to anticipate behavioral questions that assess how you handle certain situations or challenges. By practicing your answers, you’ll feel more at ease during the actual interview and be able to articulate your thoughts clearly.
Dress professionally and arrive early on the day of the interview. Punctuality and a polished appearance create a positive first impression. Bring copies of your resume and any supporting documents, as well as a list of questions to ask the interviewer. This shows your preparedness and eagerness to learn more about the position and the company.
During the interview, maintain good eye contact and engage actively with the interviewer. Listen carefully to their questions, and respond thoughtfully and confidently. Be sure to emphasize your skills and experiences that align with the job requirements, and provide specific examples to illustrate your capabilities.
Remember to ask insightful questions about the role, the company culture, and opportunities for growth. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and your desire to make an informed decision if an offer is extended.
Finally, after the interview, send a thank-you note or email to express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview. It’s a small gesture that leaves a lasting impression and shows your professionalism and courtesy.
By following these tips, you’ll increase your chances of navigating the interview process successfully and securing the job you’ve been striving for. Remember to stay confident, be yourself, and showcase your unique qualifications – you’ve got this!


13. Evaluating offers and negotiating salary


When it comes to evaluating job offers and negotiating salary, it’s crucial to approach the process with confidence and a clear understanding of your own worth. While the salary is an important factor, it’s also essential to consider the overall benefits package, growth opportunities, work-life balance, and company culture.

Before accepting or rejecting an offer, take the time to thoroughly evaluate the compensation package. Consider the base salary, bonuses, commission structures, and any additional perks or benefits offered. Take into account the cost of living in the area where the job is located, as well as your own financial goals and obligations.

Researching the industry standards and average salaries for similar positions can provide you with a benchmark for negotiations. Use this information to determine a realistic salary range that aligns with your skills, experience, and the value you bring to the table.

When it comes to negotiating, be prepared to articulate your reasons for requesting a higher salary or additional benefits. Highlight your accomplishments, skills, and unique qualifications that make you stand out from other candidates. Be confident, but also open to compromise and willing to find a mutually beneficial solution.

Remember that negotiations are a two-way street. Listen carefully to the employer’s perspective and consider their constraints. Be respectful and professional throughout the process, understanding that building a positive rapport and maintaining a good relationship can be beneficial in the long run.

It’s also important to consider non-monetary aspects of the job offer. Opportunities for growth, professional development, mentorship programs, flexible work arrangements, and a supportive company culture can greatly enhance your overall job satisfaction.

Ultimately, finding the best job offer goes beyond just the salary. It’s about finding a position that aligns with your values, provides opportunities for growth, and offers a comprehensive compensation package. By evaluating offers thoughtfully and negotiating confidently, you can secure a job that not only meets your financial needs but also fulfills your professional aspirations.


14. Ensuring a smooth transition into a new role


When transitioning into a new role, it’s important to take certain steps to ensure a smooth and successful integration. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate this process with ease.

Firstly, take the time to thoroughly understand your new job responsibilities and expectations. Review any documentation provided by your employer, such as the job description and any training materials. This will give you a clear understanding of what is expected of you in your new role and will help you hit the ground running.

Next, make an effort to familiarize yourself with your new team and colleagues. Reach out to your coworkers and introduce yourself, showing genuine interest in getting to know them. Building positive relationships with your teammates from the start will not only make your transition smoother but also contribute to a more enjoyable work environment.

Additionally, seek out opportunities to learn and develop new skills that will be beneficial in your new role. Take advantage of any training or onboarding programs offered by your employer. This will not only enhance your performance but also demonstrate your commitment to growth and improvement.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. It’s better to clarify any uncertainties early on rather than making avoidable mistakes later. Your colleagues and superiors will appreciate your proactive approach and willingness to learn.

Lastly, be patient with yourself during the transition period. Adjusting to a new role takes time, and it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed initially. Remember to take breaks, practice self-care, and maintain a positive mindset. With time and effort, you will settle into your new role and thrive in your professional journey.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition into your new job, setting yourself up for success and growth in your chosen career path.


15. Conclusion: Taking the first step towards your dream job


Congratulations! You have reached the end of our comprehensive guide to finding the best job circulars. By now, you should have a clear understanding of the strategies and resources available to you in your quest for the perfect job opportunity.

Remember, taking the first step towards your dream job is the most crucial part of the process. It requires determination, perseverance, and a proactive approach. Armed with the knowledge gained from this guide, you are now equipped to embark on your job search journey with confidence.

Start by identifying your career goals and aspirations. What industries or sectors interest you the most? What are your key strengths and skills? Understanding your own professional profile will help you narrow down your search and focus on opportunities that align with your passions and abilities.

Next, utilize the various platforms and resources mentioned in this guide. Explore online job portals, professional networking sites, and company websites to find the latest job circulars. Be proactive in your search, regularly checking for new postings and tailoring your applications to suit each specific opportunity.

Networking is also a powerful tool in the job search process. Attend industry events, connect with professionals in your field, and join relevant online communities. The connections you make can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and even job leads that may not be advertised publicly.

Finally, do not underestimate the power of self-improvement. Continuously enhance your skills and knowledge through courses, certifications, and workshops. Stay updated with industry trends and developments to showcase your dedication and commitment to potential employers.

In conclusion, finding the best job circulars requires a combination of strategic planning, active searching, networking, and continuous self-improvement. With the right mindset and approach, you are well on your way to securing the job of your dreams.

Best of luck on your job search journey!


We hope you found our guide to finding the best job circulars helpful and informative. Job hunting can be a daunting task, but with the right resources and strategies, you can streamline your search and find the perfect job opportunity. By following the tips and utilizing the platforms we have recommended, you can stay updated with the latest job circulars, access a wide range of job openings, and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Good luck in your job search, and may you find the perfect job circular that aligns with your career goals and aspirations!



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The Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) has recently announced a job circular to recruit manpower for vacant positions. This circular specifically aims to fill the position of Computer Operator, with a total of 03 vacancies available. Both men and women are encouraged to apply for these positions, providing equal opportunities for all interested candidates. Job Details …

Weekly Job Newspaper in Bangladesh

As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, job seekers in Bangladesh are constantly on the lookout for reliable sources of employment opportunities. One such valuable resource is the weekly job newspaper, which is published regularly on various websites, including ours, to cater to the needs of job seekers. The weekly job newspaper serves as a …

Social Islami Bank Limited SIBL Job Circular 2024

Social Islami Bank Limited SIBL New Job Circular: Explore Exciting Job Opportunities in Bangladesh If you are seeking a new career in the banking sector of Bangladesh, Social Islami Bank Limited SIBL has exciting job opportunities for you. Social Islami Bank Limited SIBL, one of the leading banks in the country, has recently released a …

Minister Myone Electronics Job Circular 2024

Minister Myone Electronics Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Minister Myone Electronics Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Minister Myone Electronics Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of …

Marie Stopes Bangladesh Job Circular 2024

Marie Stopes Bangladesh Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Marie Stopes Bangladesh Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Marie Stopes Bangladesh Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of …

Urgent Job Circular: Ghiyasuddin Islamic Model School and College

Ghiyasuddin Islamic Model School and College, located in MA Hirajhil, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj and managed by Hasem-Yatunnessa Foundation, has recently announced an urgent recruitment notification. The school is looking to fill multiple positions in various subjects. For the position of lecturer, the school is seeking candidates in the subjects of English, Bengali, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and …

Urgent Recruitment Notification: Marketing Officer Position at Sajeeb Chemical Co. Ltd

Sajeeb Chemical Co. Ltd, a renowned company in Bangladesh, is currently seeking enthusiastic individuals interested in pursuing a career in sales. With a reputation spanning almost three decades, Remy Cosmetics has garnered the trust and satisfaction of customers from all walks of life in the country. About the Position The company is looking to hire …

Microcredit Regulatory Authority Gulfeshan Job Circular 2024

Microcredit Regulatory Authority Gulfeshan Job Circular 2024 If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Microcredit Regulatory Authority MRA New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in the government sector. In …

Police Constable Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Police Constable Job Circular 2024 If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Bangladesh Police Constable New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in the government sector. In this Job …

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) Job Circular 2024

The Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) has recently released a job circular for the recruitment of Contractual Teachers (Temporary) for various posts. This recruitment drive aims to fill urgent vacancies in the university. Applications are invited from Bangladeshi citizens by birth, and the last date for submission of the application form is 08 February 2024. …

Cantonment Public School and College Job Circular 2024

Recruitment Notification Date: 02/01/2024 Memo: CPSCL/Administration/2024/02 Cantonment Public School and College Lalmonirhat invites applications from genuine citizens of Bangladesh for the following posts. Details are as follows: Serial no Name and number of posts, pay scale Lecturers- 04 (Chemistry-01, Geography-01, History-01, Mathematics-01) Assistant Teachers- 06 (English-02, Physics-01, Biology-01, Bangla-01, Islamic Studies-01) Office Assistant- 01 Security …

Tax Commissioner Office Job Circular 2024

Tax Commissioner Office Job Circular 2024 If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Tax Commissioner Office New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in the government sector. In this Job …

Islamic Arabic University IAU Job Circular 2024

Islamic Arabic University (IAU) Job Circular 2024 Securing a good job is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, and the quest for finding the perfect job opportunity can often be a daunting one. However, if you’re looking for a new job and have the desire to work in a reputable organization, Islamic Arabic University (IAU) …

Bangladesh Bank Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Bank Job Circular 2024 Introduction The Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh, has recently released its job circular for the year 2024. This circular presents exciting job opportunities for individuals looking to join the banking sector in Bangladesh. In this blog post, we will provide you with all the necessary information about the …

All Newspaper Job Circular 2024

Streamlining Your Job Search: Accessing All Newspaper Job Circulars in One Place View All Job Circulars for January 18, 2024 Searching for jobs can be a daunting and time-consuming process, especially if you’re not sure where to look. In Bangladesh, newspapers are one of the primary sources of job circulars, but it can be a …

Development Foundation (SDF) Job Circular 2024

The Development Foundation (SDF) has recently released a job circular for the recruitment of consultants for the Coastal and Marine Fisheries Project (SCMFP) under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. This project is being implemented with the aim of promoting sustainable development in the coastal and marine fisheries sector. The SDF is responsible for the …

Palli Bidyut Job Circular 2024

Palli Bidyut Job Circular 2024: All You Need to Know If you are looking for the latest job opportunities in the field of power distribution, then you must keep an eye on the Palli Bidyut Job Circular 2024. The Palli Bidyut job circular is a great platform for individuals seeking employment in the rural electrification …

Caritas Bangladesh Job Circular 2024

Caritas Bangladesh Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Caritas Bangladesh Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Caritas Bangladesh Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

Bangladesh Navy College Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Navy College School   Securing a good job is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, and the quest for finding the perfect job opportunity can often be a daunting one. However, if you’re looking for a new job and have the desire to work in a reputable organization, //Bangladesh Navy College School has just …

ANH Enterprise Limited Job Circular 2024

ANH Enterprise Limited Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than ANH Enterprise Limited Company, one of the leading companies in the country. ANH Enterprise Limited Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of …

lnnovision Consulting private Limited Job Circular 2024

lnnovision Consulting private Limited Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than lnnovision Consulting private Limited Company, one of the leading companies in the country. lnnovision Consulting private Limited Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering …

CARE Bangladesh Job Circular 2024

 CARE Bangladesh Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than  CARE Bangladesh Company, one of the leading companies in the country.  CARE Bangladesh Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

BRAC Bank Limited Job Circular 2024

BRAC Bank Limited New Job Circular: Explore Exciting Job Opportunities in Bangladesh If you are seeking a new career in the banking sector of Bangladesh, BRAC Bank Limited has exciting job opportunities for you. BRAC Bank Limited, one of the leading banks in the country, has recently released a new job circular offering various positions. …

Directorate of Social Services Job Circular 2024

Job Circular for Various Posts under Directorate of Social Services (DSS) – 17/01 Deadline The Directorate of Social Services (DSS) has released a job circular for various posts, inviting interested candidates to apply. The deadline for application submission is 17th January 2024. Here are the details: Walk-In-Interview A walk-in-interview of selected candidates will be held …

Transcom Group Job Circular 2024

Transcom Group Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Transcom Group Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Transcom Group Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

A Reputed Private Commercial Bank Job Circular 2024

A Reputed Private Commercial Bank New Job Circular: Explore Exciting Job Opportunities in Bangladesh If you are seeking a new career in the banking sector of Bangladesh, A Reputed Private Commercial Bank has exciting job opportunities for you. A Reputed Private Commercial Bank, one of the leading banks in the country, has recently released a …

National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited Job Circular 2024

National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited New Job Circular: Explore Exciting Job Opportunities in Bangladesh If you are seeking a new career in the banking sector of Bangladesh, National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited has exciting job opportunities for you. National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited, one of the leading banks in the country, has …

Bangladesh Accreditation Board (BAB) Job Circular 2024

The Bangladesh Accreditation Board (BAB) has recently announced a new job circular, inviting applications for various positions. This presents an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking employment in the accreditation sector. The deadline for submitting applications is 16th February 2024. The BAB is responsible for ensuring the competence and impartiality of conformity assessment bodies in Bangladesh. …

Bangladesh Navy Job Circular 2024

Latest Bangladesh Navy Job Circular: New Government Job Opportunity in 2024 The Bangladesh Navy has recently published a new job circular, offering exciting government job opportunities for the year 2024. This circular has created a buzz among job seekers in Bangladesh as it provides a chance to work in the government sector. The Bangladesh Navy …

Embassy of Denmark Job Circular 2024

Embassy of Denmark Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Embassy of Denmark Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Embassy of Denmark Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of …

Akij Group Job Circular 2024

Akij Group Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Akij Group Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Akij Group Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

Sheikh Hasina Cantonment Public Schoand Collegeol Job Circular 2024

Sheikh Hasina Cantonment Public Schoand Collegeol   Securing a good job is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, and the quest for finding the perfect job opportunity can often be a daunting one. However, if you’re looking for a new job and have the desire to work in a reputable organization, // Sheikh Hasina Cantonment …

Aarong Job Circular 2024

Aarong Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Aarong Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Aarong Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. Whether you are …

Foodpanda Bangladesh Limited Job Circular 2024

Foodpanda Bangladesh Limited Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Foodpanda Bangladesh Limited Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Foodpanda Bangladesh Limited Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of …

Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) Job Circular 2024

Introduction Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) has recently released a new job circular to recruit manpower for various vacant positions. This presents an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking employment in the water development sector. The circular provides detailed information about the available positions, eligibility criteria, and application process. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online …

Jagorani Chakra Foundation JCF Job Circular 2024

Jagorani Chakra Foundation JCF Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Jagorani Chakra Foundation JCF Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Jagorani Chakra Foundation JCF Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering …

Robi Axiata Limited Job Circular 2024

Robi Axiata Limited Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Robi Axiata Limited Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Robi Axiata Limited Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of …

Modhumoti Bank Limited Job Circular 2024

Modhumoti Bank New Job Circular: Explore Exciting Job Opportunities in Bangladesh If you are seeking a new career in the banking sector of Bangladesh, Modhumoti Bank has exciting job opportunities for you. Modhumoti Bank, one of the leading banks in the country, has recently released a new job circular offering various positions. With a strong …

DC Office Job Circular – 2024

DC Office All Jobs News 2024: Get the Latest Updates on Office of the Deputy Commissioner Jobs If you are looking for the latest updates on Office of the Deputy Commissioner jobs in 2023, then you have come to the right place. The website provides comprehensive information about all DC jobs circulars, including government …

lMPlT Lim Job Circular 2024

lMPlT Lim Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than lMPlT Lim Company, one of the leading companies in the country. lMPlT Lim Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

DBL Pharma Job Circular 2024

DBL Pharma Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than DBL Pharma Company, one of the leading companies in the country. DBL Pharma Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2023, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

Bandarban Cantonment Public School and College Job Circular 2024

Bandarban Cantonment Public School and College has recently released a job circular for various positions. This circular presents an excellent opportunity for individuals looking to pursue a career in the education sector. The available positions include Lecturer, Assistant Teacher for Bangla and English subjects, Assistant Teacher for Fine Arts and English, Assistant Teacher (Female) for …

General Insurance Corporation Job Circular 2024

The General Insurance Corporation, a state institution under the Ministry of Finance, Financial Institutions Division, has released a job circular for the recruitment of Medical Officers. Interested Bangladeshi citizens are invited to apply for the vacant positions. Position: Medical Officer To apply for the Medical Officer position at the General Insurance Corporation, interested candidates must …

Linkedin Jobs

LinkedIn চাকরির সম্পূর্ণ সম্ভাবনা আনলক করা: একটি ব্যাপক নির্দেশিকা 200টিরও বেশি দেশে 700 মিলিয়ন সদস্যের সাথে লিঙ্কডইন হল বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম পেশাদার নেটওয়ার্ক। এটি একইভাবে চাকরি প্রার্থী এবং নিয়োগকারীদের জন্য একটি শক্তিশালী হাতিয়ার। LinkedIn Jobs হল আপনার প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্য সেরা প্রতিভা খুঁজে বের করার বা নতুন কর্মজীবনের সুযোগ আবিষ্কার করার সবচেয়ে কার্যকর উপায়গুলির মধ্যে একটি। যাইহোক, …

Amber Group Job Circular 2024

Amber Group Job Circular 2024 Are you looking for a new job opportunity? The Amber Group has recently published a job circular for the position of Officer, Accounts. If you are interested and meet the requirements, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. Read on to find out more about the job details and …

Rangpur Dairy and Food Products Ltd Job Circular 2024

Rangpur Dairy and Food Products Ltd has recently published a job circular for the positions of Territory Sales Manager and Sales Officer. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals looking for a career in the private sector. The job circular was published on 11th January 2024, and the application process will start on the same …

British High Commission Job Circular 2024

Post Position: IT Support Officer Published Date: 12 January 2024 Application Start Date: Running Application Deadline: 30th January 2024 Salary: Negotiable Jobs Category: Private Company Job Total Vacancies: 01 Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh Gender: Both Job Source: Newspaper Jobs Application Process: Online How to Apply: Follow Job Circular Image Apply Introduction The British High …

Additional District Judges Office Job Circular 2024

Are you looking for a government job opportunity? The Additional District and Sessions Judge Court has recently published a job circular for the year 2024. This circular provides an excellent opportunity for individuals who are interested in working in the judicial sector. Let’s take a closer look at the details of the job circular. Job …

Renata Pharmaceuticals Job Circular 2024

Renata Limited, a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh, has recently announced a new job circular for aspiring candidates in the pharmaceutical industry. This recruitment notice presents an excellent opportunity for job seekers who are interested in pursuing a career in the private sector. Renata Pharmaceuticals Job Circular 2024 is now available online, providing all the …

Unimed Unihealth Pharma Job Circular 2024

Introduction Unimed Unihealth Pharma has recently published a job circular for the year 2024. This circular offers a full-time job opportunity in the pharmaceutical industry. Interested candidates can find all the necessary details in the circular image provided. Job Details Job Nature: Full-Time Job Publish Date: 12 January 2024 Source: Online Category: Pharma Job Man …

Probashi Kallyan Bank Job Circular 2024

Probashi Kallyan Bank New Job Circular: Explore Exciting Job Opportunities in Bangladesh If you are seeking a new career in the banking sector of Bangladesh, Probashi Kallyan Bank has exciting job opportunities for you. Probashi Kallyan Bank, one of the leading banks in the country, has recently released a new job circular offering various positions. …

Gazi Group Job Circular 2024

Gazi Group Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Gazi Group Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Gazi Group Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2024, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

Gulshan Model High School and College Job Circular 2024

ঢাকার অভিজাত এলাকায় অবস্থিত গুলশান মডেল হাই স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজে বর্তমানে সর্বশেষ সরকারি নিয়ম ও বেসরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের জনবল কাঠামো এবং এমপিও নীতিমালা-২০২১ অনুযায়ী বিভিন্ন পদে নিয়োগ চলছে। আগ্রহী প্রার্থীদের নিম্নলিখিত পদের জন্য আবেদন করার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হচ্ছে: 1. কম্পিউটার দক্ষতা সহ অফিস সহকারী স্কুলটি একজন দক্ষ অফিস সহকারী খুঁজছে যিনি কম্পিউটার পরিচালনায় দক্ষ। …

Bangladesh Railway Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Railways has recently released a job circular for the year 2024, inviting online applications from Bangladeshi nationals for various positions in the revenue sector. This circular presents an excellent opportunity for individuals looking to join the railway sector and contribute to the development of the country’s transportation infrastructure. Vacancy Details The job circular announces …

TMSS Job Circular 2024

TMSS College Job Circular: Exciting Opportunities Await! Are you looking for a new job opportunity in the education sector? Look no further! TMSS college has recently announced its latest job circular, offering exciting positions for talented individuals. TMSS College, one of the leading educational institutions in Bangladesh, is known for its commitment to excellence in …

Rangpur Cantonment Public School and College Job Circular 2024

Rangpur Cantonment Public School and College Job Circular: Exciting Opportunities Await! Are you looking for a new job opportunity in the education sector? Look no further! Rangpur Cantonment Public School and  college has recently announced its latest job circular, offering exciting positions for talented individuals. Rangpur Cantonment Public School and College College, one of the …

Bangladesh Railway Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Railway Job Circular 2024: Assistant Station Master and Assistant Locomotive Master Positions If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Bangladesh Railway New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in …

Dhaka North City Corporation Job Circular 2024

Dhaka North City Corporation If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Dhaka North City Corporation New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in the government sector. In this Job News …

Ministry of Food Job Circular 2024

Ministry of Food If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Ministry of Food New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in the government sector. In this Job News post, we …

BYSL Global Technology Group Job Circular 2024

BYSL Global Technology Group Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than BYSL Global Technology Group Company, one of the leading companies in the country. BYSL Global Technology Group Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2023, offering …

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Job Circular 2024

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Job Circular 2024 If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in …

Customs, Excise, and VAT Commissionerate Job Circular

Customs, Excise, and VAT Commissionerate Job Circular 2024 If you are on the lookout for new government job opportunities in Bangladesh, then you have come to the right place. The Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate New Govt Job Circular BD is here to provide you with the latest updates on job vacancies in the government …

Bangladesh University of Engineering Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh University of Engineering Job Circular 2024 The Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUE) has recently released a job circular for various positions. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking employment in the field of engineering and academia. The university is renowned for its commitment to excellence in education and research, making it an ideal …

Fulbaria College Job Circular 2024

Fulbaria College Job Circular: Exciting Opportunities Await! Are you looking for a new job opportunity in the education sector? Look no further! Fulbaria College has recently announced its latest job circular, offering exciting positions for talented individuals. Fulbaria College, one of the leading educational institutions in Bangladesh, is known for its commitment to excellence in education …

Akij Job Circular 2024: Sales Officers

Akij Dairy Ltd. and Akij Healthcare are two renowned companies in Bangladesh that are currently looking to hire Sales Officers. This job circular provides an excellent opportunity for individuals who are interested in building a successful career in sales and marketing. About Akij Dairy Ltd. Akij Dairy Ltd. is a subsidiary of Akij Group, one …

Nobodoot Job Circular 2024

Nobodoot, a renowned publishing company, is currently seeking qualified individuals for multiple positions. This job circular presents an excellent opportunity for candidates with a passion for writing and publishing. The available positions include Proofreader-cum-Writer in various subjects, Professional Proofreader, Computer Operator, and Marketing Representative. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply before the deadline of 25th …

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited Job Circular 2024

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited has announced a job circular to recruit manpower for various vacant posts. The airline is looking to hire a total of 231 individuals for 4 different positions. Both male and female candidates are eligible to apply for these positions. Interested candidates can apply online through the provided website. Below are the …

Marie Stopes Job Circular 2024

Introduction Marie Stopes Bangladesh is currently offering exciting job opportunities for individuals seeking a fulfilling career in the private sector. This job circular aims to provide detailed information about the available positions, eligibility criteria, and how to apply. Job Details Marie Stopes Bangladesh is a renowned institution that focuses on providing quality reproductive healthcare services. …

Noman Group Job Circular 2024

Noman Group Job Circular 2024: Find Your Dream Job Are you looking for a new job opportunity in Bangladesh? Look no further than Noman Group Company, one of the leading companies in the country. Noman Group Company has recently announced its new job circular for the year 2023, offering a range of exciting job positions. …

Akij Collegiate School Job Circular 2024

Akij Collegiate School Job Circular 2024 Securing a good job is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, and the quest for finding the perfect job opportunity can often be a daunting one. However, if you’re looking for a new job and have the desire to work in a reputable organization, Akij Collegiate School has just …

People’s Leasing & Financial Services Ltd Job Circular

People’s Leasing & Financial Services Ltd Job Circular New Job Circular at People’s Leasing People’s Leasing is pleased to announce a new job circular, offering exciting career opportunities for individuals who are passionate about the financial sector. At People’s Leasing, we believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration to achieve success. We invite talented …

Bangladesh Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Civil Surgeon Office Job Circular 2024 The Bangladesh Civil Surgeon Office has recently announced a job circular for the year 2024. This circular offers a total of 73 vacancies in various positions. It is a full-time job opportunity falling under the category of government jobs. Both males and females are encouraged to apply. Job …

Food and Agriculture Organization Job Circular

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has recently announced job vacancies in Dhaka. If you are looking for a new opportunity in the field of communication and have a passion for natural resource management and biodiversity conservation, this could be the perfect job for you. About the Organization The Food and …

Habiganj Agricultural University Job Circular 2024

Habiganj Agricultural University Job Circular 2024: A Promising Career Opportunity Are you a Bangladeshi individual seeking a rewarding career in the field of agriculture? Look no further! The Habiganj Agricultural University (HAU) has recently published its Job Circular 2024, offering exciting job opportunities for those interested in university jobs. This circular presents a promising career …

City Group Job Circular 2024

City Group Job Circular 2024: A Great Opportunity for Career Growth The City Group Job Circular 2024 has recently been revealed by the City Group Authority through their official website, This job circular presents an exciting opportunity for job seekers in Bangladesh who are interested in working with the City Group of Companies. The …

BSMRMU Job Circular 2024

BSMRMU Job Circular 2024: Exciting Opportunities for Bangladeshi Individuals BSMRMU Jobs Circular 2024 has been recently published on the official website of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) at This job circular presents a promising career for individuals in Bangladesh who are interested in university jobs. The BSMRMU Job Circular 2024 provides detailed …

ICTD Job Circular 2024

New Job Circular: Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICTD) Job Summary at a Glance: Organization: Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT Department). Post Category: 03. Total Vacancies: 16. Job Type: Full Time. Pay Scale: 8250 – 26590 Taka. Job Category: Govt. Published: 03 January 2024. Application Start Date: 05 January 2024. Application Deadline: …

Job Circular Jagannath University 2024

Jagannath University Job Circular 2024 Job Summary: Company Name: Jagannath University Job Location: Dhaka Total Vacancies: View JNU Circular Image Job Category: University Jobs Gender: Both male and female can apply Salary: As per Circular Published: 3 and 4 January 2024 Application Deadline: 18 January 2024 Jagannath University has recently announced a job circular for …

All Textile Industry Job Circular 2024

Textile Industry Job Circular 2024 Latest Job Circulars in the Textile Industry: Job Circular 2024 News BD If you are looking for new job opportunities in the textile industry, we have some exciting news for you. In this article, we will be discussing the latest job circulars in the textile industry for the year 2024. …

Dhaka University Job Circular 2024

Dhaka University Job Circular 2024 Looking for job opportunities at Dhaka University? You’re in luck! The University Dhaka has recently released its job circular for the year 2024. If you’re interested in working in a prestigious educational institution, this is your chance to apply. To view all the job circulars for Dhaka University, I recommend …

Anjuman Mufidul Islam Job Circular 2024

Anjuman Mufidul Islam Job Circular 2024: Recruitment Notification Anjuman Mufidul Islam is currently accepting applications for various vacancies. Interested candidates are requested to appear for an interview at 42, Anjuman Mufidul Islam Road, Kakrail, Dhaka on 13/01/2024 A.D. Candidates should bring their complete CV, all educational qualification certificates, national identity card, and one copy of …

Bangladesh Judicial Administration Training Institute Job Circular 2024

New Job Circular: Bangladesh Judicial Administration Training Institute Job Circular 2024 Applications are invited from genuine citizens of Bangladesh for filling up the following vacant posts in the Judicial Administration Training Institute on a full temporary basis. Post Details Post Name: Computer Operator Salary: Taka 11,000-26,590 (Grade-13) Requirements: Must have a typing speed of 25 …

General Insurance Corporation Job Circular 2024

Applications are being invited from interested Bangladeshi citizens for the following posts and salary scales to fill a number of vacant posts in General Insurance Corporation, a state institution under the Ministry of Finance, Financial Institutions Division. The required qualifications and other necessary information for the said posts are given below: Post name: Senior System …

Dhaka Cantonment Girls Public School and College Job Circular

Dhaka Cantonment Girls Public School and College Job Circular Dhaka Cantonment Girls Public School and College has recently announced a job circular for the position of Assistant Teacher. Interested candidates are invited to apply for this position through an online application process. It is important to note that applications submitted through any other means will …

Begum Rokeya University Job Circular 2024

The Begum Rokeya University job circular 2024 has recently been published on the official website of Begum Rokeya University (BRUR) at This job circular presents a promising career opportunity for individuals in Bangladesh who are interested in university jobs. If you are looking for a fulfilling career in the field of education, this could …

Akij Biri Job Circular 2024

Akij Biri Factory Limited, a company of Akij Group, has recently announced job vacancies for the positions of Driver and Security Guard. Interested candidates who meet the specified criteria are invited to attend the direct interviews on the mentioned dates. This blog post provides detailed information about the job requirements, qualifications, and interview process for …

Beximco Textile Job Circular 2024

Beximco Textile Job Circular 2024 If you are looking for a private job opportunity in the textile industry, then the Beximco Textile Job Circular 2024 might be just what you need. Beximco Textiles, a leading textile manufacturer in Bangladesh, has recently announced their job circular for the year 2024. This circular presents a chance for …

Habiganj Agricultural University Job Circular 2024

Habiganj Agricultural University Job Circular 2024 Habiganj Agricultural University (HAU) has recently published a job circular for various positions. Interested individuals can apply for the available posts at the university located in Habiganj. The job circular offers a total of 32 vacancies in different categories. Job Details Employer: Habiganj Agricultural University (HAU) Post Name: The …

Police Public School Job Circular 2024

Job Summary An exciting job opportunity has arisen at Police Public School. The school is currently seeking qualified candidates to fill various vacancies. If you are looking for a full-time position in the private sector and have a passion for education, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. Organization Police Public School is a …

Collectorate School and College Job Circular 2024

Collectorate School and College Job Circular 2024 Collectorate School and College, a renowned educational institution located in Dhaka, has recently published a job circular for various positions. This circular provides an excellent opportunity for both male and female candidates to apply for full-time jobs in the private sector. Job Details Company Name: Collectorate School and …

Zilla Parishad Office Job Circular 2024: Apply for Government Jobs in Bangladesh

Job Summary Are you looking for a government job in Bangladesh? Zilla Parishad Office has recently announced a job circular for various positions. This is a great opportunity for both male and female candidates to apply and secure a position in the government sector. Read on to find out more details about the job circular. …

New Job Circular News – Civil Surgeon Office Magura Job Circular 2024

Job Summary The Civil Surgeon Office Magura (CSMAGURA) has recently announced a job circular for various positions. There are a total of 71 vacancies available in this recruitment drive. The job type is full-time and the salary scale ranges from 9300 to 24680 Taka. This is a great opportunity for individuals looking for government jobs. …

Cantonment Public School and College Job Circular 2024

About Cantonment Public School and College Cantonment Public School and College is a renowned educational institution located in Rangpur. With a commitment to providing quality education, the school and college have established themselves as a leading institution in the region. As part of their expansion plans, they are currently seeking qualified individuals to join their …

New Job Circular: Sundarban Courier Service Job Circular 2024

About Sundarban Courier Service Sundarban Courier Service is a renowned courier service company operating in Dhaka. With a commitment to delivering excellence, the company has established a strong presence in the industry. As part of its expansion plans, Sundarban Courier Service is now inviting applications for various positions. Job Details Company Name: Sundarban Courier Service …

Bangladesh Police CID Job Circular 2024: Government Job Opportunity

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Bangladesh Police has recently announced a job circular for the year 2024. This circular presents an exciting opportunity for individuals seeking a career in the government sector. The CID is a government organization responsible for investigating and preventing criminal activities in the country. Employer Information: – Employer: Criminal Investigation …

Essential Drugs Company Limited (EDCL) Job Circular 2024

Job Summary Essential Drugs Company Limited (EDCL) is currently inviting applications for various positions. There are a total of 5 vacancies in different categories. This is a full-time job opportunity in the government sector with a salary scale as per the circular. The job circular was published on 29th December 2023, and the application deadline …

Bangladesh Navy Job Circular 2024

Job Summary: The Bangladesh Navy has recently published a job circular for the year 2024. This is a great opportunity for individuals who are seeking a career in the government sector. The job circular provides details about the organization, total vacancies, job type, salary scale, job category, and the date of publication. Organization: Bangladesh Navy …

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